Viper Capital will invest in a number of projects over the ensuing years, combining our own start-ups; businesses that are ready to launch but require our funding, and incubating existing early stage businesses with our form of marketing-led support.
The sweet spot that Viper is keen to exploit includes:
- Marketing led businesses, where brand and/or consumer awareness are critical, and majority of the businesses cost and DNA are in marketing/media (spend).
- Categories of > $1 billion in Australia of consumer/retail value, with inherent marketing complacency or lack of innovation.
- 100% digital businesses (no shipping, warehousing or FMCG). Tech based, but utilising existing IT to deliver the consumer benefit that underpins the business.
- Businesses where the product is essentially solely an online transaction.
- Businesses that have an inherent retention/repeat purchase embedded within their model (subscription, pay-by-the-month etc) rather than perpetual customer acquisition.
- Businesses that are aligned to the strategic plans, strengths and key categories of focus for the leading media companies.
- Businesses in growth categories, or with presence of high value competitors to provide opportunity for trade-sale exits.
- Businesses that cut out the middle man in regulated categories.
- Businesses in categories that are over-concentrated or overtly dis-aggregated amongst current players.
- Businesses that are easily scalable.
- Businesses with opportunities beyond Australia.