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The contents of this website are protected by copyright.  All rights are reserved.

Copyright arises at the time that subject matter is reduced to a material form.  There is no requirement for the copyright to be registered with a government agency for it to be protected, nor is it necessary to apply the © symbol to the work for it to be protected.

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Investment Statement

The primary purpose of Viper Capital is to provide a facility for wholesale, sophisticated and professional investors to invest private equity.

ASIC Class Order 02/273 (the Class Order) provides an exemption to the disclosure requirements under section 708 of the Corporations Act (Cth) 2001 (the Act) for sophisticated and professional investors (as defined by the Act).  It is important to note that we:

  • Seek investment in the business opportunities identified on this website from wholesale, sophisticated and professional investors only; and
  • Take an equity stake in every business opportunity that is set out on this website.

Risks of Investment in New Business

We draw your attention to the following:

  • The information contained on this website does not purport to be all the information reasonably required to evaluate and make a fully informed decision in relation to any business opportunity set out on this website, and:
a) is not a substitute for a disclosure document, product disclosure statement or any other notice that may be required under the Act;
b) does not contain all information that should be relied upon to make an investment decision, including financial statements, business plans, information about intellectual property and other assets, or expert opinions including auditors’ reports; and
c) should not be acted upon without first taking appropriate professional advice;
  • That no market exists for the trading of any securities or schemes that may be offered on this website;
  • That investment in new businesses is highly speculative, carries high risks, and should not be undertaken without first taking into account the above notices; and
  • This website is subject to the Class Order.

Privacy Statement

We recognise the importance of protecting personal information collected by us.  We are committed to, and bound by law to comply with, the National Privacy Principles.

Personal information that Viper Capital collects

We collect and store personal information about visitors to this website.  We use this information primarily to provide you with a customised experience on our website.

How We Use and Disclose Your Personal Information

Unless you inform us, or you have previously advised us not to, your personal information may also be used by us for:

  • informing you about our services and providing you with a service you have requested;
  • helping us to conduct business with you.

If you do not want us to contact you or send you information, please let us know

We may also disclose your personal information to:

  • external service providers or Government authorities as a necessary incident of the work we are undertaking for you;
  • unless you inform us not to, anyone acting on your behalf.

Other than for the purposes above, we will not disclose your information without your consent, or as required or authorised by law.

Accessing and Maintaining Your Personal Information

In most cases you can quickly gain access to any personal information that we hold about you.  If you want to access information we hold about you, you should request that information in writing to us at either of the following addresses:

Phil Hayden

Simon White

We aim to ensure the personal information we hold about you is accurate, complete and up to date.

Protecting Your Personal Information

We store information in hard copy and electronic form.  We take all reasonable care to ensure the personal information about you is protected from loss, misuse or alteration.

Transborder Data Transfer

We may transfer personal information to a person or company in a foreign country if that transfer is deemed necessary and is related to the purpose for which the information was collected.  We will advise any overseas parties of how to handle your data consistent with the National Privacy Principles.

Refusing to Provide Personal Information

You can refuse to provide us with your personal information.  If you do refuse to provide us with information, however, we may not be able to assist you in certain circumstances.

Privacy Statement


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To the extent that any rights and remedies can be excluded:

  • this site and its contents are provided on an “as is” basis; and
  • all express or implied warranties of any kind including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose, freedom from contamination by computer viruses, are excluded.

Reliance on Information on this Site

The information provided on this site is of a general nature, and the accuracy, adequacy, suitability, completeness, reliability or usefulness of that information should not be relied upon. If you have a specific requirement, then you should seek advice from an appropriately qualified professional.

Subject to any rights that cannot be excluded, you acknowledge that:

  • you use this site entirely at your own risk;
  • you release us from any claims that you would otherwise have against us now or in the future arising directly or indirectly from this site or your use of it; and
  • we will not be liable for any damages arising from the use of this site.

If you are entitled to make any claim against us arising from any rights that cannot be excluded, our liability to you for the aggregate of any such claims is limited to:

  • providing the information, products or services again; or
  • payment of the cost of providing the information, products or services again (at our election).


If you breach any of these terms, you indemnify us against all claims, liabilities, expenses (including legal fees on a solicitor-client basis) or losses that may be made against us arising from your breach of these terms.

You further indemnify us against any liability arising from you emailing, posting, or submitting:

  • any defamatory, offensive, illegal or inappropriate material or any material that infringes a third party’s intellectual property rights; or
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We are not liable for any defamatory, offensive, illegal or inappropriate content on this site or accessed from this site, and the risk of injury from any such content rests entirely with you.