Roger Camplisson

Society Profits – Business Brains for Social Impact

Viper Capital will aim to give 1% of revenues of its businesses to do good.

The aim of Society Profits is to incubate ideas and create new enterprises that have both a tangible and sustainable social impact. We use ‘business thinking’ to overcome the traditional barriers that not-for-profits come up against, and ‘social impact’ thinking to drive innovative social outcomes for business leaders and their organisations.

At Society Profits we’ve created a place where the ‘Wouldn’t it be great if…?’ ideas get oxygen. We bring them to life. We nurture. We incubate. We put 100% of our team’s energy into developing and seeing through ideas that have the best chance of real social impact. This is our focus and our purpose every day.

We’re currently incubating ideas in domains that include:

  • Funding for the care of children with terminal life conditions,
  • The reduction in adult suicide and depression,
  • Individual empowerment through better access to legal and psychotherapy support during the trauma of family breakdown,
  • A network of food fairs for community gathering and fundraising,
  • Innovative solutions to enable affordable in-home aged-care.

Funded by the socially responsible contributions from Viper Capital brands, we have bright business minds that are dedicated to the search for commercially sustainable social impact solutions. Once the seed of an idea has been incubated to a prototype solution, we’ll test, research and refine before building a sound business case, complete with marketing support and capital raising strategies.

For philanthropists, we can transform ‘Wouldn’t it be great if…?’ ideas into reality.

For ethical or social impact investors, we can leverage our vast business management and entrepreneurial experience to deliver financial returns.

For governments, we can help cut spending, utilizing a share in that saving for the growth of the enterprise.

For not-for-profit organizations that operate in a similar social space to one of our enterprises, we’ll seek to collaborate and provide funding.

For businesses, the noise around business responsibility to contribute to society isn’t going away. We’ll help explore how you work this to your business and society’s advantage.

Society Profits provides a unique mix of experience in an increasingly complex world, where the overlapping sectors of business, government, investment, philanthropy, charity, entrepreneurialism and social change are no longer strangers but bedfellows.

To get involved, to help, to learn, to explore, contact